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Flamborough Wildlife Yahoo Group
Flamborough Wildlife Yahoo Group

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As there has been an active Flamborough Wildlife Yahoo Group in the years prior to this website being launched. which is an information and social forum for members interested in and contributing towards Natural History on Flamborough Head in East Yorkshire, to share sightings and inspiration from the Headland, from Speeton to the Lighthouse to Sewerby!


It would therefore seem sensible to link the site to this group so that people can join the forum if they wish


Joining the Group

Currently linked to the Flamborough Observatory website is the very popular 'Yahoo Group' which allows members of the group to post messages and share photos.

Membership of the online forum is by invitation only, so if you would like to join you should send an email to the Richard Baines and ask him for further information - check out the Getting in Touch pages for Rich's contact details


Richard is keen for anyone to join who can contribute, so do contact him even if you only visit Flamborough occasionally. It is free to join, and the 'members only' approach is only used to keep out junk messages and unwanted advertising. After you have joined, you will find the group at .

If anyone would like to report sightings in the Flamborough area to the group, but would rather not sign up for the 'Yahoo Group', then please send records to the Observatory Recorder - Ian Marshall who will be pleased to receive records via the Getting in Touch pages