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Recording at Flamborough
Benefits of Membership | Print |

By joining FBO you will have the satisfaction that you are helping to support vital research into bird migration across the recording area and helping the Executive with conservation on the Headland (such as developing and maintaining Northcliff Marsh).


The Observatory is committed to supporting Bird Ringing and monitoring and migration work of the BTO and as such subsidises the costs of hald the rings of the East Yorkshire Ringing Group, which operate all the ringing sites in the Recording Area.


Members receive a copy of the annual report and regular newsletters, they have open invitations to join the Flamborough Wildlife Yahoo Group.


FBO also pay an annual subscription to the Bird Observatory Council as the overaraching body for all the Bird Observatories in the UK. .

In addition members will receive Grapevine, the monthly report of sightings to the Bird Observatory Council.