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Recording at Flamborough
Organisations linked with the Observatory
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     Thornwick & Sea Farm Holiday Centre
Thornwick and Sea Farm Holiday Centre - a Corporate Member of the Observatory committed to conservation and main sponsor of the Annual Report. This fantastic site for Camping or Caravans - static and tourers, with Flamborough Head on the doorstep
     Buckton Birder
This is a useful link to a site about Buckton, a site near to the recording area of Flamborough Bird Observatory. Mark Thomas runs a Blog of his "Local Patch". Buckton is a little known migrant hotspot on Flamborough Head, East Yorkshire, it is Mar
     East Yorkshire Ringing Group
The EYRG formed 1992 by amalgamating of the Filey and Flamborough Ringing Groups, to continue to ring migratory birds on the coastal strips from North of Scarborough and South of Bridlington, together with sites in the North Yorkshire Forests.
     Flamborough Story Board Project
The Flamborough Head Storyboard Project is a heritage project which aims to widen participation in the conservation of Flamborough Head's stunning natural and cultural heritage through the development of a series of interpretation panels and trails.
     RSPB Bempton Cliffs
Flamborough Bird Observatory works closely with RSPB Bempton, a family favourite, and easily the best place in England to see, hear and smell seabirds! More than 200,000 birds (from April to August) make the cliffs seem alive � with adults bringing f
     Flamborough Head Special Area of Conservation (SPA)
Flamborough Head European Marine Site (SPA) The aim of the Flamborough Head SAC Project is to establish a management scheme for the European marine site.
     Flamborough Wildlife Yahoo Group (Invited only Forum)
This moderated Yahoo Group is an information and social forum for members of FBO and others, interested in and contributing towards Natural History on Flamborough Head in East Yorkshire
     Filey Brigg Ornithological Group (Filey Bird Observatory)
The recording area for the FBOG Bird Observatory i now uses the physical boundaries of the A165 Scarborough to Bridlington Road on the western side, the road to the Blue Dolphin holiday camp to the north and that to Primrose Valley on its southern ed
     The UK Bird Observatory Council
The Bird Observatories' Council co-ordinates and promotes the work of the Bird Observatories at a national level. Individual Observatories are accredited to the Council when they meet specified criteria relating to activities and facilities.
     Wold Ecology
A company specialising in integrating business with nature. Wold Ecology has worked with farmers on the Headland obtaining funding from Natural England and other sources, to aid projects which seek to improve farmland for birds and wildlife.
     Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
The Wildlife Trust which has been working for over 60 years to enhance and protect Yorkshire�s wildlife havens. Through the support of its members and volunteers it remains a local charity working for local communities and wildlife
     RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Welcome Our work is driven by a passionate belief that we all have a responsibility to protect birds and the environment. Bird populations reflect the health of the planet on which our future depends. The need for an effective bird conservation
     East Yorkshire RSPB Local Group
The East Yorkshire RSPB Local Group works in conjunction with Flamborough Bird Observatory on some public events, such as Seawatch Sunday and Moth Nights. The RSPB Seabird Cruises off Flamborough Head and Bempton Cliffs are run by the local RSPB Gr
     Natural England
Natural England is the government�s advisor on the natural environment. Providing practical advice, grounded in science, on how best to safeguard England�s natural wealth for the benefit of everyone.
     The Marine Conservation Society
Working with governments at the national and EU level to achieve effective protection of marine wildlife and sustainable fisheries. Most recently, after a ten year campaign working with partners, this work culminated in the UK Marine & Coastal Acces
     Scarborough Field Naturalists
The Scarborough Wildlife website is for anyone with an interest in the wildlife that can be found in and around Scarborough (the one in North Yorkshire, England that is - sorry Canadians).
  • Organisations linked with the Observatory   (16)